
Friday, February 09, 2007

Some Good News....And Some Not So Good News....

Ok, so we'll start off with the good news. Last weekend I moved myself into a real room! Thats right, no more sleepin in the living room with boxes for walls and picture frame doors. We cleaned out my mom's rarely used sewing room and moved my stuff in there. Its quite nice, kinda far from the rest of the family so I get privacy. Also a door, actually 3 cause it connects to the garage and outside. But still, woo hoo! I just got done hookin up my tv out there, and tomorrow I'm goin down to IKEA to get myself a wardrobe, as well as pick up my couch from my friends garage where its been sitting unopened for 2 years. So hooray, I finally have a place in the house.

On to the bad news, turns out my scale had been off by several pounds. So while I woke up this morning thinking I was finally going to drop below 180, I come to find I'm barely breaking 190. This is disappointing on 2 levels. While I've still lost 15 lbs, it means I started off above my 200 lbs thresh hold that I thought I had caught myself before surpassing. Its also disappointing cause I'm still a heftier-than-I'd-like-to-be fellow. But oh well, 15 lbs is 15 lbs. Just means I have more weight to lose before I reach my goal.

So like I said in my last post, I started going to the gym this week and while I'm still sore as all hell from my first work out on tuesday, its been getting better day by day, and I do notice a difference after only a few days of exercise, so thats cool.

Alright I guess thats it for today, even though it was a me me me post. One day I'll have something more substantial to write about. Until next time...

Thursday, February 01, 2007

well its been awhile since i posted something, so i figured i've got time, why not tonight. i had my birthday on sunday, i'm 25 now. woo hoo. i was in vegas, it was fun except for the whole losing money part. damn it all if alcohol didn't find a way to put a damper on my usually chipper attitude though. its funny how certain things (like alcohol) make you reevaluate things that you thought you were past. i don't want to air someone elses laundry on here, even though its tough cause it kind of intertwines with mine as well, so i guess i'll just leave it at that to spare other peoples feelings. i'll just say i can respect when someone wants to better themselves, just don't do things that make me think otherwise... yeah thats all i'm gonna say about that. grrrr.

on a more positive note, operation get chris back into shape is going pretty well. I'm down to 181, a 14 lb drop from the beginning of the year. so now i'm gonna start integrating a workout routine into my weekly schedule. once intersession is over tomorrow i'll have more time between classes to go and put that dusty old gym membership to use. the goal is to continue eating less like i have been, but then start burnin some calories and buildin some muscle at the same time, so hopefully the fat should melt off like cheap movie theater butter.

ok i guess thats it, i know it was kinda short but with all the school i've been goin to its been a relatively uneventful month. next week though i start taking a video production class, so this might be my forum for my ameture film adventures, or at least something better than reading about me whining all the time. ok kids, until next time....