
Sunday, May 06, 2007

Why don't I write more often?

I'm not sure. However, an event transpired today that made me pissed off and inspired me to write something. Whether I write about this particular incident or not I haven't decided yet. I'll start this blog with the fact that I've been tagged by our pal Justin over at jeanspants.blogspot.com. So I guess I'm supposed to write 7 bad habits and 7 of my favorite songs. So I'll start with the bad habits.

1. I never call people back. I'm a much bigger fan of text messaging than talking to someone on the phone. Some people don't mind, some people seem to find this annoying. I don't really care though, cause its just what I do. But in case you're one of the lucky ones that doesn't get a call back, don't take it personally. Its just what I do.

2. I procrastinate far too often. I'm not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. Whenever I try to take care of something ahead of time, like say, write a paper, I can never get it done. Its like I can't think of something to write about until I'm pushed up against the deadline. So far I've done very well with it, but I can't help but think one day it'll come back to bite me in the ass.

3. I lie a lot, especially to people I don't know that well. I go through a lot of phases where I just tell people what I think they want to hear, and then theres times where I'm more honest than I should be. I don't know what triggers my respective phases, but it has gotten me into trouble from time to time.

4. I get attached to people to easily. I find myself falling for people without any particular reason other than they showed the slightest amount of interest in me. It leads to lots of bad times in my life. I think it has a lot to do with my extreme lack of experience in the relationship category. On that note...

5. Where it takes me no time at all to get attached to someone, it takes me 1000 times longer to get over someone. I'll sit and dwell on every little thing for days, weeks, months on end. It sucks. I'm open for suggestions on these previous 2 points on how I can get better in this dept.

6. I crack my knuckles a lot. Its not really that bad of a habit, but I'm running out of ideas. Its not just my knuckles either; toes, knees, shoulders, wrists, neck. If theres a joint, I crack it.

7. I find myself not trusting people a lot. Even if I have absolutely no reason to believe that someone is lying to me, I still have an underlying belief that people are trying to mess with me or lead me astray. Oddly enough, the closer I am to someone, the more I tend to have this feeling. Once again, I'm not sure why. All suggestions are welcome and appreciated.

Now on to the 7 songs...
1. Hinder-Lips of an Angel. I really dig this song. Whenever it comes on the radio or my iPod I can't help but rock out.

2. Chris Daughtry-Used To. This is a new one on my favorites list. It really speaks to me, I think because a lot of the time I wish things could be like they used to be, and the lyrics feel really close to home.

3. J.A.R.-Green Day. This has been one of my favorite songs for a long time. It just kinda reminds you that your time on this earth is short, so don't take it for granted. Make the most of what you've got.

4. Carry On My Wayward Son-Kansas. Another new one to my favorite list. I actually just really like playin it on Guitar Hero, its got good vocals and excellent musical accompaniment.

5. Vindicated-Dashboard Confessional. This one isn't so much one of my favorites as the favorite of someone that was pretty close to me at one time of my life. Shes not around anymore and we weren't on all that great of terms when she was taken from this Earth, but everyday I wake up and see a piece of her and I can't help but be reminded of her. So this song kinda reminds me of her.

6. Blind Man-Aerosmith. Just a good song, excellent message.

7. It Ends Tonight-All American Rejects. I dig this one

Ok so thats my tagging. On to something else.

I stopped by IKEA the other day to buy some pillows. Upon checking our I saw a sign that says they're charging people 5 cents per plastic bag if customers want to use them. Apparently they're trying to help the environment. I get that, but I think they could do something better than charge people money to use plastic bags. People complain enough about the apparent "lack of service" they get at the big blue box. I can only imagine how it must be to work there now and hear the people complain about how they not only have to bag their own shit, but now also must pay money to do so. It seems awfully fuckin ridiculous to me, and I'm sure my former IKEA coworkers would agree with me. Perhaps if they're lookin to do somethin with the plastic bags, offer an incentive to bring the bags back and use them or return them, rather than charge people more money to carry their shit to the car.

Ok, so its like 12:30 at night and I'm tired so I'm gonna stop now, but I'm gonna try and write some more this week. I figure I've already written more in the last 2 weeks than I wrote in the last 3 months, so its an improvement. Sorry to all the 3 people that read this blog and have not been being entertained, someone informed me that I don't write enough. I'll be trying to change that soon. So until next time....


Blogger Inez said...

dude it's hard to read one long blog...i apparently dont have that long of an attention span....so if you could break it up and write several small blogs that would be great..hahaha...glad to see you writing again

4:56 PM  
Blogger rosenapper said...

i hope next time is in a couple of days instead of weeks! ;-)

7:31 PM  
Blogger Jeans Pants said...

I hope I can see you at IKEA on your next visit. The bags thing does suck. I dont like the telephone so I hear you on the call back thing.

In reference to you lieing, how do I know your not lieing now?

11:50 PM  

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