Alrighty, it has been a good while since my last post. i've been meaning to get on here the last couple of days but since the little guy is with his other grandparents this week i've been enjoying the single life a little to much, and this is the first night i haven't come home drunk and passed out as soon as i stepped through the door. so we're gonna start back on thursday when i first meant to post something.
we won our game that day. yeah it was cool, we battled back numerous times to emerge the victors. hoorah for us.
friday i went down to the valley to drop off the little one, then decided i'd go see my chums at IKEA that I hadn't seen in o so long. So I get to see all my friends that are still there, have a nice chat. very pleasant. One thing I would like to note about this particular stop on my journey, while I was there I did happen to run into Justin, which I knew was a possibility. I knew of him before when i worked at IKEA but we had never actually "met". after i quit my pal Inez was like hey read this dudes blog its pretty entertaining. so i did, and it is, and comments have been left back and forth between the two of us on our various posts. but i was there, he walked right up and shook my hand and we had a nice little conversation. way to be the initiator justin, i'm a shy fellow. after ikea i went and had some drinks and a movie with the previously mentioned inez and had a good time.
saturday i sat around. i know, very exciting.
sunday i went and saw eragon. eh. i guess for being written by a 15 year old kid it wasn't that bad, but it did look like it had been written by a 15 year old kid. the fight at the end with the dragons was kinda cool, but the rest of the movie had a cheesy kinda lord of the rings sentiment to it, and i'm not a big lord of the rings fan, so i didn't really care for all that crap. i just wanted to see some dragons kick each others asses. oh yeah, also the panthers lost, that sucks. we're 6-8, the only chance we have of making the playoffs is if we win our last 2 games and pretty much everyone else in the nfc loses their last 2. needless to say its not lookin to good. but oh well
monday i went and hung out with my ikea buddies mike and brett. i hadn't hung out with these guys since march, and it was fun. drinkin, poker, movies, a little pukin, a little nap here and there. good times.
i had another game tonight, we lost which was bullshit cause the umpire that we usually have wasn't there, and this new dude blew calls left and right that ended up costing us the game. but oh well, we still had fun and celebrated afterwards. i did however sustain from drinking, cause i know i'm gonna be doin it tomorrow as well, and i fear if i drink like 4 or 5 days straight i'll just be pushing myself closer and closer to alcoholism. and thats no fun for anyone.
ok, its 4 am, i'm tired. i know there was something actually interesting that i wanted to post other than a rundown of these past couple days, but i think i'll get into that a little later. good night all.
Sure there was interesting stuff...There was me!!! No Im kidding. But really even when a paticular post turns into a diary it an still be very interesting and this one was.
It's good to hear that you and her are becomming friends. Its always good to not have to throw away years of your life. It's good to make a mends whether it ended ugly or not.
Sorry both your teams lost and dont become and alcoholic. That would suck. But the posts could be fun.
Yeah I was comfortable meeting you because I had seen you so many times and we talk through this so much I felt like I already knew you =0) It was great to finally formally meet you
dude you were up late/early...hehe...good seeing you today.
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