
Monday, January 15, 2007

My Weekend With The Asians..

These are my asian friends Patty and Jason (except for that little person in the middle, I don't know who she is).

They design and make all the shirts at www.fatrabbitfarm.com. I help them sell their shirts at expos and conventions and what not. This weekend we were in Sacramento at the SacAnime convention sellin tshirts. It was a good time. We got to experience our first road trip, and take a visit to Northern California to see how they would react to the product. If you haven't been to an anime expo before, don't. unless you like anime, in that case i guess it might be your thing. Myself not being a fan I find it funny but annoying at the same time with all these kids running around in their costumes buying up swords and yugi-oh cards. Its REALLY annoying to listen to the kids rattle on about the different cartoons about who is better than who. At the same time I can't help but realize if I were at a ComiCon I would probably be one of those people. But from my experience the comic book fans are far more tamed than their japanese counterparts. I did however, walk out with one of these guys.

The best part about him is that he was free, cause I stole him. I figure if you can charge $1.00 for a 25 cent can of sams club soda, then I'm entitled to take a goomba.

Over all though I was not to impressed with our state capital. You can't turn left anywhere, there are dividers down the center of every god damned road, and the street setups don't make any sense at all. Whoever designed this city must have been high, cause streets stop and become something else then 2 miles later become the other street again even though it doesn't twist or turn or anything. Perfectly good intersections are left clear cause you can't turn left so you have to drive 4 miles out of the way to drive around a friggin corner. Grrrr. One thing they do have on us So Calers though, is this:

Its an IPOD vending machine. Thats right, a vending machine that sells IPods. I was astounded at this feat of technology. I was disapointed that it didn't dispense quite the same way as your average candy dispensing vending station, it hindered me from reaching up and pillaging the bottom row. Still though, I was pleasantly surprised at this particular device.

Something else Sacramento has is this guy.

I call him Metalsauras Rex. It was a dinosaur made out of what looks to be scrap metal, placed out in front of a gas station. It was interesting. They also have real life cigar holding indian statues, as shown below.

I thought these had disappeared since the early 2oth century, but no, they've still got him goin strong. He was in front of the same gas station as Rexy up there, and also a statue of a buffalo that I was unable to snap a picture of. But he wasn't as cool as these other 2 so it makes it ok. Good to see weird ass shit still has a place in todays gas stations.
When I got home I met this guy, his name is Nero.

He's a Boston terrier. He's ugly with a lazy eye, but the fam seems to like him, so I guess thats what matters.
In some other news, I saw The Prestige this past week. A few months back I wrote a post about how I thought I was going to see the prestige but I actually ended up seeing the Illusionist. The Prestige kicks the shit out of the Illusionist, much as you would expect if Wolverine and Batman were to team up against Fight Club and 7th Heaven. And when you have Wolverine and Batman duking it out in an epic magical battle, it makes it that much better. I don't want to reveal to much of the story cause its really REALLY good the way it all plays out and I highly recommend it. I saw it at the dollar theater but I believe it should be coming out on DVD pretty soon, so that should be a must buy on whatever Tuesday it comes out.
Also my cheesy new years resolution is to lose weight and get in shape. My starting weight was 195 with a final goal weight of 160, so I've got a ways to go. So far 2 weeks in I've lost 10 lbs, so hoorah for me. The biggest thing is I'm trying to lose the weight without really doing much physical activity, just changing my eating habits. So far, so good. Ideally it would all be lost by the time I go to Vegas in 2 weeks, but I don't see that happening, but I am off to a good start, so hopefully all will go well.
Alright, its late and I need to wake up early for school. Hopefully I'll be able to write more frequently, but I guess that all depends on how much interesting information I have to write about. Ok kids, have a good one.


Blogger Jeans Pants said...

Sometimes I forget we know the same people. When you mention or post pics of people I know I'm like " I know them too!!!" =0).

7:05 PM  
Blogger Jeans Pants said...

Losing weight may be overrated but it's still a good resolution

7:06 PM  

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