
Monday, December 25, 2006

So here it is, another christmas, another year almost gone. for the first time in a long time i went to church today for a xmas eve service. it was the first time i had attended church since i graduated high school, so like 6 years or so. mind you i didn't even really want to go today, but i was dragged along by my parents who thought it would be good to expose christianity to the little guy. i've got no problem with that, however he is only 5 and its hard enough to get him to sit still as it is, let alone try to teach him about what many believe is the creator of the universe. don't get me wrong, i believe in a higher power. i went to church and was an active member up until i was about 18, then once i moved away from home i gradually fell away from it. not to say i lost my faith, i just developed a different understanding for what it means to be a good christian. i believe dogma said it best, when they said it doesn't matter how you believe, just that you believe in something. who do you see as the better christian: the guy that sits at home, goes to work, does his thing and quietly believes in some form of higher being, or the guy that gets dragged to church each and every sunday by his wife, sleeps through it wishing he could be at home watching football and never really listens to anything the pastor says nor really cares what they have to say? i figure as long as i believe it doesn't matter where i do my believin, and i don't really care much for singin songs written however many years ago that haven't changed at all since i started singin em when i was a kid. so yeah, when my dad tells me he wants to get my kid into church, i was pretty much indifferent about it. granted it is my child, and since its just me and him with his mom no longer with us, its good to have other people willing to pitch in with stuff like this. i always just kinda figured when he was old enough to understand everything i would give him the rundown on faith and let him make his own decisions about what he chooses to believe. i think this approach works much better than force feeding the parents believes down the kids throats, as most times they want to do whatever the opposite is anyways. so yeah thats my take on spirituality. now off to bed for a good few hours of sleep before i'm awaken by said little one to open his presents then take a good nap around noon. merry christmas all, and happy holidays!


Blogger Inez said...

Merry Christmas to you too!!

1:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy holiday! chris


6:11 PM  
Blogger Jeans Pants said...

May the Christmas be with you

8:15 PM  

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