
Thursday, January 04, 2007

Well here it is, 2007. So cliche'd, I know, but where the hell did the time go? I always thought my parents were just bein dumb old people when I was a kid and they would say "well it seems like yesterday you were just this big" and then they would put their hand about 2 feet from the ground. But damn, I'm gonna be 25 in a mere 24 days and I don't know what the hell has happened to all the time. It seemed like high school took forever to get through, and now I've already been out for 7 years. Jesus. Oh well.

I started classes again this Tuesday. They seem to be alright, the only one that may be a pain in the ass is my social psych class, cause the final is writing this 20 page grant proposal, which I guess would be useful if I were actually a psychology major. But I'm not. Its a class to fill a stupid theme requirement. The class itself seems interesting though, so we'll see how it turns out. One class that I looks like it will be useful is this computer class I'm taking, it teaches you how to use a bunch of graphic design programs. Prior to this I didn't have any interest in graphic design, but I've been playin around with the programs and it is kind of fun. We'll see what happens though. The only downside is that is an intersession class so its only 5 weeks long, which means i'm there everyday for 4 hours plus a bunch of lab time, so needless to say all these breaks I thought I had in my schedule are being occupied by sitting in a computer lab for 3 hours a day on top of my regular class schedule. Such is the life of someone trying to squeeze his final 2 years of education into 1.

I watched Borat the other day, by far one of the funnier movies I've seen this year. The year is only 5 days old, but still its pretty funny. What I found even funnier though was after the lights were turned on I hear someone behind me muttering to themselves "oh that was horrible...just horrible. i hated that. that was a horrible movie." I turn to see who is so disgusted with this film I had just spent the last hour and a half laughing my ass off at to see an older couple, I'd say in their late 70's, early 80's. As one helped the other into her wheel chair, I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that these people came to the film. Had they not seen any previews for it? Any of the press about the film? It seemed that they walked up to the marqui and eeny meenie miney moed the movie they wanted to watch, and Borat was what they ended up with. What boggles me even more is if it was so offensive to them, why'd they stick around til the end? You would think a 300 lbs man tea bagging another man would have driven them out, but no, not them. They stuck through it til the end. Hats off to them, I know my parents would have walked out long before the tea-bagging incident, and they are only in their 50's/60's. Oh well, maybe its cause we saw it at a dollar theater, they didn't wanna make a stink about getting their dollar back.

Well since I have to wake up at 7, I guess I should hit the perverbial hay. I get to spend another glorious weekend in Solvang visiting my dad's family. Hoorah. At least I get Danish pancakes. yummy. :)


Blogger Jeans Pants said...

It appears we both had interesting experiences with Borat. Old people suck!!!! OK maybe they don't.

12:24 AM  
Blogger Jeans Pants said...

Still alive buddy? =0)

10:56 AM  

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