
Friday, March 02, 2007

My Triumphant Return to Blogs

Yeah, I'm not dead. I might as well be though, this is the first bit of free time I've had in weeks. The end of the quarter is fast approaching and with that comes lots of work. I just finished 2 tests, an 8 page paper, a group project, and a newswriting assignment. Lots of fun, but I guess thats what happens when you're takin 25 units. Ok, so on to the good stuff. I've got a little of me talk, and a little of what the hell is wrong with this world talk. So first the me stuff.

As of this morning I'm weighing in at a slim 179.4 pounds, and thats on the scale that tells the truth. If I was on the lying scale I'm almost under 170. But oh well, I'm a pretty happy camper. I've been goin to the gym 3 times a week all of February as well as playin volleyball 2 days a week, so I've been pretty active and I'm starting to see results. My face is a lot thinner, my arms are starting to get more defined, and my love handles are just about gone. Not to mention that my gut is starting to slowly melt away, but for some reason thats always the last to go. No matter, I am extremely pleased with my results thus far. This brings my total weight loss since the beginning of the year to 26 lbs. So hooray for me!

I went to Vegas again this last weekend for a triple birthday with some of my friends, it was considerably more fun than the last trip, and I believe its because I left any excess baggage at home. I had a diet free weekend, which makes the results I'm having that much better. Needless to say I ate a LOT, and it was all fantastic. The highlight was at Rainforest Cafe in the MGM Grand, I had a shrimp platter that came with scampi, these awesome coconut shrimp skewers with a killer mango sauce, and the piece de resistance was these shrimp that were stuffed with a 4 cheese blend, crab meat, and then wrapped in bacon. It was arguably one of the best meals I've had in my life, definitely in the top 10. Thats pretty good comin from a one time fat ass like myself. Gambling wise I came out up, everything else wise not so much. I won $150 in the first 10 minutes on a slot machine and that pretty much funded my gambling for the rest of the weekend. Unfortunately when you factor in the cost of everything else I came out down about $300. But its cool, we had a lot of fun, plus we rented this bad ass 07 expedition so we could all fit in one car. It defintely changed my outlook on SUV's, cause this thing drove like a dream, and it had all sorts of nifty features. If you don't mind payin $70 for a tank of gas then this is the car for you.

I got my tax return money back, and boy does havin a kid pay off. Needless to say I had enough to pay a couple grand in credit cards and other bills, treat myself to an XBox 360 and an IPOD Nano (cause I can't stand the music they play at the gym and I finally gave in to peer pressure. Come on, everyone has one these days!), and fund my vegas trip with plenty to spare. So good times.

Ok, on to other stuff.... I was getting my fix of American Idol the other night when this new show came on afterwards entitled "Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?" At first I thought to myself, what moron wouldn't win a million dollars on this game? Then they start asking questions. It came to my attention that the education system is not failing us as so many people think, its just that they don't teach you anything in your first 9 years of school that is practical in the real world. Aside from reading, writing, and basic math I can't think of anything else worth knowing. Who is the first president that was impeached? Who needs to know this? The first contestant alledgedly graduated with a history degree from UCLA with a 3.0 GPA. He didn't know this answer. He didn't know the answer to the other 2 questions he was asked either. The next contestant did a bit better, but still, had trouble with some questions. I'd like to say I got all the answers right, but alas there were some I didn't know, and I like to consider myself a pretty smart guy. So yeah, if America wants to complain so much about the state of our education system, maybe they should start teaching us something more practical.

My next bit of "what the fuck is wrong with people" has to do with a woman that was on the Adam Carolla radio show named Shirley Phelps. This woman goes to funerals of dead soldiers and protests with signs that says God Hates Fags, and a bunch of anti military, anti war type stuff. Now I'm not for the war at all, but to show up at a dead soldiers funeral and openly mock what he just gave his life for in front of his family is about as low on the shithead meter as you can go. What kind of heartless person does things like this? A grieving family is a mere 20 or 30 yards away, if that, and you're making a mockery of it. She then goes on to rant about how the bible says lay not with man as you do woman or something like that, so Danny Bonoducci asks about the part where it says God loves all his creatures, and she starts argueing about where in the bible it says that, or where it says other things he brings up to counter her biblical "knowledge". So yeah, Danny Bonoducci may not be the smartest guy out there, but how many people can bring up a bible verse off the top of their heads? The point is this lady is an idiot and I really hope if there is a hell that she burns there for a long time for what she is doing. It just sickens me when people go out and act like idiots and then say its in the name of the lord and expect it all to be ok. First off, How long were all these Jesus stories floatin around before someone finally decided to write them down? 300 years? 500 years? 1000 years? We all know how the game of telephone works. Plus who's to say these were even accurate stories at the original storytellying hour anyway? We don't. These bible nuts that quote it day in and day out and take everything so fucking literally disgust me, and these people like Shirley Phelps deserve to be drug into the street and shot.


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