
Monday, December 25, 2006

So here it is, another christmas, another year almost gone. for the first time in a long time i went to church today for a xmas eve service. it was the first time i had attended church since i graduated high school, so like 6 years or so. mind you i didn't even really want to go today, but i was dragged along by my parents who thought it would be good to expose christianity to the little guy. i've got no problem with that, however he is only 5 and its hard enough to get him to sit still as it is, let alone try to teach him about what many believe is the creator of the universe. don't get me wrong, i believe in a higher power. i went to church and was an active member up until i was about 18, then once i moved away from home i gradually fell away from it. not to say i lost my faith, i just developed a different understanding for what it means to be a good christian. i believe dogma said it best, when they said it doesn't matter how you believe, just that you believe in something. who do you see as the better christian: the guy that sits at home, goes to work, does his thing and quietly believes in some form of higher being, or the guy that gets dragged to church each and every sunday by his wife, sleeps through it wishing he could be at home watching football and never really listens to anything the pastor says nor really cares what they have to say? i figure as long as i believe it doesn't matter where i do my believin, and i don't really care much for singin songs written however many years ago that haven't changed at all since i started singin em when i was a kid. so yeah, when my dad tells me he wants to get my kid into church, i was pretty much indifferent about it. granted it is my child, and since its just me and him with his mom no longer with us, its good to have other people willing to pitch in with stuff like this. i always just kinda figured when he was old enough to understand everything i would give him the rundown on faith and let him make his own decisions about what he chooses to believe. i think this approach works much better than force feeding the parents believes down the kids throats, as most times they want to do whatever the opposite is anyways. so yeah thats my take on spirituality. now off to bed for a good few hours of sleep before i'm awaken by said little one to open his presents then take a good nap around noon. merry christmas all, and happy holidays!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Alrighty, it has been a good while since my last post. i've been meaning to get on here the last couple of days but since the little guy is with his other grandparents this week i've been enjoying the single life a little to much, and this is the first night i haven't come home drunk and passed out as soon as i stepped through the door. so we're gonna start back on thursday when i first meant to post something.

we won our game that day. yeah it was cool, we battled back numerous times to emerge the victors. hoorah for us.

friday i went down to the valley to drop off the little one, then decided i'd go see my chums at IKEA that I hadn't seen in o so long. So I get to see all my friends that are still there, have a nice chat. very pleasant. One thing I would like to note about this particular stop on my journey, while I was there I did happen to run into Justin, which I knew was a possibility. I knew of him before when i worked at IKEA but we had never actually "met". after i quit my pal Inez was like hey read this dudes blog its pretty entertaining. so i did, and it is, and comments have been left back and forth between the two of us on our various posts. but i was there, he walked right up and shook my hand and we had a nice little conversation. way to be the initiator justin, i'm a shy fellow. after ikea i went and had some drinks and a movie with the previously mentioned inez and had a good time.

saturday i sat around. i know, very exciting.

sunday i went and saw eragon. eh. i guess for being written by a 15 year old kid it wasn't that bad, but it did look like it had been written by a 15 year old kid. the fight at the end with the dragons was kinda cool, but the rest of the movie had a cheesy kinda lord of the rings sentiment to it, and i'm not a big lord of the rings fan, so i didn't really care for all that crap. i just wanted to see some dragons kick each others asses. oh yeah, also the panthers lost, that sucks. we're 6-8, the only chance we have of making the playoffs is if we win our last 2 games and pretty much everyone else in the nfc loses their last 2. needless to say its not lookin to good. but oh well

monday i went and hung out with my ikea buddies mike and brett. i hadn't hung out with these guys since march, and it was fun. drinkin, poker, movies, a little pukin, a little nap here and there. good times.

i had another game tonight, we lost which was bullshit cause the umpire that we usually have wasn't there, and this new dude blew calls left and right that ended up costing us the game. but oh well, we still had fun and celebrated afterwards. i did however sustain from drinking, cause i know i'm gonna be doin it tomorrow as well, and i fear if i drink like 4 or 5 days straight i'll just be pushing myself closer and closer to alcoholism. and thats no fun for anyone.

ok, its 4 am, i'm tired. i know there was something actually interesting that i wanted to post other than a rundown of these past couple days, but i think i'll get into that a little later. good night all.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Ok, so I finally had something worthy of writing about. This person I know has decided that they want to be vegan cause they don't like the way the animals are killed when it comes time to meat makin. This is fine, I don't have a problem with these type of decisions. What I do have a problem with is when you're gonna sit here and show me all these anti-meat videos, animal rights videos, and all this political bs saying i'm an asshole cause i like hamburgers, but when I try and show them the flipside, and all the negative stuff that groups such as PETA and ALF participate in, you take off and don't want to see it. If you're gonna be part of this vegan crap and subject other people to it and try to prove a point, you have to be willing to see both sides of the argument.


This video shows all the crap that PETA has done or has been done in the name of PETA. if you don't want to eat hamburgers thats fine, but if you're gonna force your shit on me, you need to be willing to see my side. Plus hamburgers are tasty and juicy.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Just a quick update:

1. we lost the game, got creamed. oh well, cause when i got home i saw this...

2. my ps3 sold already, somebody did a buy it now on ebay, and now he wants me to ship it to nigeria for his army kid or somethin. so that just means more shipping money for me. hoorah.

that is all...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Several things for today, and what an exciting day it was.

Went to volleyball class today, my team won, so good times. Went to Target to pick up Beerfest, saw it was 20 bucks and I said, no sir to much. So I go to best buy to see how much it is there. Only 18, thats better. As I'm checking out, I see a gentleman purchasing the fabled Playstation 3. I'm shocked and amazed, and ask the cashier if they have any more. He informs me that they just recieved 40+ this morning. Jackpot! I strut my way to the back, and my brother and I each picked up a 60 GB PS3, so now I too can take advantage of these foolish kids overpaying out the ass for these video games. We went and ate, then tried to go back in disguise and get some more, but they saw through it and said ney, 1 per customer. Oh well, at least we each got 1. They're still goin for around 1000 on ebay, so I figure to make a couple hundred bucks profit. Hooray for me. Anyone want it? Its on ebay ready to be purchased, looking for a happy home.

On the way home a couple cops go flying by with their sirens. We see them drive up about a quarter mile then flip a U turn to a SUV parked on the side of the road. As we drive by we see the remnants of a real life shootout! The drivers side window had been busted, there was one person I could see in the passanger seat, with about 6 cops surrounding the car with their guns drawn, yelling at the guy to get out of the car, then 2 other cops with who I would assume is the driver bent over the hood of a cop car in cuffs. It was all very exciting. Good times in the desert.

A post from a couple weeks ago detailed a certain individual claiming she beat me at poker, even though I had told her I would let her win if it got down to just me and her. We had our rematch last night, and I won in dominant fashion, shutting her mouth for good and proving myself the victor. It was very satisfying. Hoorah.

Panthers lost last night, we fell to 6-6. I believe we got jobbed on what ended up being the last play of the game, there was clearly pass interference and it wasn't called which resulted in an interception. I was really pissed about it yesterday but I've coped with it, and now that I've had a good day am not as upset about it. What I am upset about is how all my shows are taking a 2 month hiatus from new shows, so I gotta wait til jan 22 before I can see any more Heroes, which is complete and utter bull shit. Very upsetting. I'm gonna have to live off my DVD's and video games til my birthday, which is crappy. But oh well.

We have a game tonight, hopefully it won't be freezing and we'll win. I do know there is going to be an epic Mario Party battle afterwards, which always makes for good times.

Alrighty, I think thats good for today, big post. Toodles all.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

ok i remember what i was gonna write the other day and i guess looking back it wasn't as good as i thought it was gonna be. i was just excited cause scrubs was comin back on the air, its on thursdays, and they also moved 30 rock to thursday also. so my already busiest night of the week in terms of tv viewing has gotten even bigger. i know, not so exciting, but when you're unemployed and out of school you don't always live the most exciting life.

We got a new dog today, hes a manchester terrier. hes a tiny little thing, though slightly larger than our last dog. we haven't got a name for him yet. my mom likes jasper, but the rest of us aren't so hot on that. I like Han, or Megatron. no one seems to be so hot on those either. he seems cool though, he gets along with Cody and the cat. once he stops hiding i'll get some pics up either here or on myspace, or both.

took the kid to see flushed away today, it was quite entertaining. the story goes a rich pet rat gets flushed down the toilet and has to learn to adapt to life of not-so-luxury, befriends scrappy female rat, she offers to help him get home, all sorts of antics and hilarities ensue. i like how a lot of kids movies these days put jokes in that the kids won't get but they're hilarious to the parents. this had a great one, and i'm not giving away any plot for those that were gonna see it so its ok. there is a team of french frogs that are hired to track down the 2 main characters, and their leader is le frog. the frogs find em, le frog says, ready for action, then all his minions throw their arms up and say we surrender! get it?! cause they're french! hahahahahaha. i thought it was funny, i probably didn't deliver it correctly in writing, but its writing. i laughed, cody didn't get it and the whole ride home was why did i laugh at that part, so i had to try to explain how the french always surrender and why the joke is funny. eventually i just told him he'll figure it out when hes older. silly kids. overall not bad for a kids movie though, i'll give it 3 1/2 strudels.

alrighty, well, its late, i'm tired, and i've got a full boat of football to wake up for in the morning. panthers don't play til monday but i'm a fan of the game and i must watch whatever crappy matchup is gonna be thrown on tv. so off i go.