
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cursed school. So i'm sitting at home, knowing I've got 2 papers due on Monday. Usually I'll do one on Tuesday and one on Thursday, my off days from school. But I just can't seem to bring myself so start it today. I guess I have to be in the mood to bs 8 pages about cartoon violence. Not that I'm ever in the mood for such a task. Perhaps its just that it needs to be closer to crunch time so that I'm more inspired. I think that is most likely the case. So it looks like Thursday and the weekend will be my paper days this time around. Then only 1 class left after this week, finals, then a month off which will be great. The quarter system is awesome cause it goes by hella quick, but they also cram a lot of stuff into those 10 weeks, so I feel I deserve a good break.

Panthers won last night on MNF, 24-10. A pretty shitty first half, but an awesome second half. Steve Smith is 4th in receptions and recieving yards after spotting everyone else 2 games. The man is unstoppable. My fantasy teams did pretty good also, now that Chad Johnson finally had a big game. I swear, one of my teams has Johnson, Smith and Santana Moss as the recievers, the top 3 at their position in fantasy points last year. That team is 5-5 now. Its been generally disappointing, but whatever. my team is winnin again and thats what matters.

Heroes was good again, they keep confusing me though with Claires dad, and that chick that lived by Muhinder. Are they good? Are they bad? Next week should be good, they're supposed to save the cheerleader. I wanna see the pic that Isaac painted, see if it holds anymore answers. And what happened to Hiro? Oh so many questions. Next week I guess.

Ok, so since I'm not writin my paper, I guess its over to Marvel Ultimate Alliance again. Good times.


Blogger Inez said...

Start writing your papers!

8:24 PM  
Blogger Jeans Pants said...

Marvel Ultimate Alliance? Which system ? Writing papers sucks but cartoon violence could be fun =0)

11:01 PM  

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