
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Alrighty, been a couple days.....finals are over. Thats good, now I can focus more on sitting around doing nothing. I had my last one Wednesday. They give us 2 1/2 hours, but after a good night of drinkin the night before, I wasn't really feelin the whole sit around and write thing. I figured since the final was only worth 10% of the grade, I only needed to do half to get a solid A in the class. So thats what I did. Gotta love education. So now all my real classes are done. I've got a week left of volleyball, then a good month off.

For those that may not know this about me, I tend to go a little DVD crazy. So Tuesdays are big days for me. This one was no different; Clerks 2, Superman Returns, and Dane Cook: Vicious Circle. I also wanted to get Evening With Kevin Smith 2:Evening Harder, but no body has it out here in the desert. That was disappointing. One funny note, while I was scouring the DVD section, I noticed that now since Superman Returns came out, they also re-released all the original Superman movies, even 3 and 4 which no one really liked at all. But they managed to fill up at least 2 discs worth of extra stuff for them all, with 1 and 2 runnin at 4 discs. Its very interesting, considering when these movies came out in the late 70's/early 80's they didn't do any of these extra craps they throw on DVDs these days. I'm curious to see what they came up with to put on there, but not curious enough to spend $16 a pop to get movies I've already got. I figure if anything I'll throw em on the ol Xmas list and see what happens.

Ok so I thought I had more to write about but now I can't friggin remember what it was gonna be.... i need to start keeping a pre blog journal of shit to write cause i know it was good but now i can't remember. damnit. oh well, i guess thats it for now. perhaps something will jog my memory and i can come and add later. alrighty....toodles.....for now.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Good day today. Before I get into that though I forgot the one thing I was thinking about for the majority of Thursday. As you may or may not know I went to Sea World that day. As you may or may not know I used to really want to be a marine biologist. After I graduated though I got into coaching and that was my new love. Damned if now I don't want to rethink my career again. I remember feeling this same way 5 years ago the last time I came to this park. Those dolphins and whales are such magestic creatures and it is truely breathtaking to watch them move through the water the way they do. I really would love to work with them. I guess my current situation though doesn't really lend to being a legit scientist. Oh well, they're still fun to watch. So yeah, today I got home from San Diego. Yesterday I stopped by the IKEA down there cause word has it there was an old high school buddy of mine that I hadn't seen in about 5 years worked there. I had tried to track him down on my last trip down there in January but he was on vacation, so I wasn't sure if he still worked there or not 10 months later. Turned out he did, he's managing the full serve warehouse down there. It was awesome getting to see him again, I got to sit down with him and his lady friend this morning over an IHOP breakfast and catch up on old times. That was pretty much what made this a good day. Other than that nothing else really happened, good or bad. Just a lot of driving. But yeah, great seeing him, hopefully he'll be joining me for my birthday bash in January. Other than that, Panthers are playin the Redskins tomorrow in DC, we should come out with a victory. DeAngelo Williams, I believe, is going to get the start cause DeShaun Foster has (big surprise here) an injury. If you follow football you'll get the sarcasm there. If not, this guy gets hurt like every single year and I really don't know why they signed him to an extension, cause even when he is healthy he's not very productive. For a team that lives on establishing the running game, he is not our ideal back. Finals are on Monday and Tuesday then I get my one month break before my gigantic 2nd and 3rd quarters at CSUB. 10 classes (at least) between those 2 quarters, so I guess I'll be pretty busy. Alrighty kids, I guess thats it for now. Tood-a-loo

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

hooray! my first semi drunken post. we'll see how it turns out and then we will determine whether or not it gets to stay. we had a game today, we won!!! score ended up bein like 11-4, somethin around there. everyone hit, everyone fielded well, i pitched well, just an all around good game by everybody. we then went to my buddies house for some celebratory drinks, my brother proceeded to get smashed, so i got to drive home. mind you he drove, he drives a stick shift, i've only driven a stick shift once in my life (minus video games) and that was 6 years ago and only for like 2 blocks. this was a good 17 miles or so, and i handled it like a champ. so go me. yeah, that was pretty much it. the espn guy just said EPIC BATTLE!!!! sorry, its a common saying amongst my friends. but yeah, that was pretty much it. we're goin on that trip tomorrow, oh joy oh rapture. hopefully we'll have wi-fi up there. if not i'll make sure to leave an extra long post when i get back cause i'm sure i'll have plenty to bitch about. alright kids, its pert near 2 am and i needs to get me some sleep. if i don't leave anything after this, i hope everyone has a happy holiday, make sure to eat and get plenty fat cause this is the one time of the year when its all ok. toodles.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Oh golly what a fantabulous day! Starts out with my Panthers shutting out the high octane Rams offense and winning 15-0 at home. Then Atlanta loses to Baltimore. Then New Orleans loses to Cincinatti. After all is said and done in the NFL world for week 11, the NFC South looks like this:
Carolina Panthers: 6-4
New Orleans Saints: 6-4
Atlanta Falcons: 5-5
Tampa Bay Buccaneers: 2-8
Since we beat New Orleans earlier in the year we own the tiebreaker and first place. I knew it was only a matter of time before we came around and started playin better football, and our defense stepped it up big today, so way to go. Yeah. That's really what was so great about the day. As a professional gentleman of leisure, I end up with a lot of free time on my hands, so football Sundays usually is my most exciting day of the week.

Went out to dinner with the folks today, went to Applebees. It was alright. My mom is leaving tomorrow to go visit my uncle in Arkansas for Thanksgiving, leaving me, brother, son and dad all by our lonesome. Not looking forward to that. I guess we're going to San Diego on Wednesday to spend the holiday on vacation. Not really how I wanted to spend it, I'm way cooler with my mom and can't stand my dad the majority of the time, so this could end up being the worst trip ever. I was lookin forward to goin to visit my uncle with my mom, and also swing by OK City and visit my good buddy who's stationed out there, but alas, school and constant nagging by my father prohibited me from making that trip. So this is where I stand. Whatever, we'll see how it goes. I'm takin the little guy to Sea World when we're down there, that should be fun cause it'll be just me and him. I took him there with his mom when he was 1 but I'm sure he doesn't remember, and now that its just me and him I need to look for more stuff like this to do with him. Being in the desert doesn't lend much as far as cool places to go.

Last day of school is tomorrow, well technically at this hour its today, before finals. Thats awesome cause CSUB only makes you go one day then the rest of the week is off so you can study for finals. Got my papers done, which is a big load off my chest. This next quarter feels like its gonna be even more stuff though. Found out I need to take one more lower division class so I can get my degree, so I'm gonna take an intense course of beginning keyboarding skills over the winter intersession at the JC out here. That's right, 5 intense weeks of learning to play an electronic keyboard. That's gonna be at the same time that I'm takin my 3 winter classes at CSUB, then I'm gonna take 2 other classes at AVC during their spring semester, which will carry between the winter/spring quarters at CSUB. So all in all I'll be taking like 6 classes over the next 6 months. Heavy load, but thats what I gotta do to get this damn schoolin done with. Goal is to be done with degree by Fall 07, then take those last couple quarters to get my credential, and then start teaching in Fall 08. So look out students, I'm on my way to corrupt young minds throughout the desert. Hopefully it won't be the desert though, ideally I'd like to be out in San Diego when all is said and done.

Ok, thats enough for now. I know theres more I wanted to say but its late and I'm tired, so perhaps while I'm sitting in class tomorrow I will put up some more blabber.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Ooo its been a busy last couple of days. First I'd like to start with a bit of a rant. Who the hell pays $5000 for a PS3? Is it really worth that much extra money to have it a month before the neighbor kid? As I'm sure most of you know the PS3 came out on Friday, people were shot over their places in line, held up for their systems after they buy them. I sincerely hope that anyone that actually got one of these systems yesterday is selling them, because thats the only reason i could see someone waiting in front of Best Buy for 5 days to get one. You figure you sell it for like $4000 or so, and yeah thats worth campin out for a couple of days. Otherwise its just insane. This friend of a friend actually ended up with 5 of them, how I don't know. But he figures to come up on some grande bank.

We had a game on Thursday, got wooped. I pitched like shit, our outfielders didn't hit their cutoffs, infielders didn't stop, catch, or throw properly. So yeah we lost like 20-2ish. But new girl did better, she got 2 hits and we threw her at catcher so she couldn't mess up to much on the field. We had another new chick too, so we actually had enough to put a full team on the field. Hoorah. After the game we went for some drinks at my buddies house. It was good time, I cut a perverbial rug, got my drink on and what not.

Yesterday we had our tournament de foster at my friend dannys house. I'm gonna tell a small story leading in. Last time I played poker with this chick Kalani I felt bad cause I took a bunch of her money. So I told her if she made it to the final 2, and I was the other, I would let her win. So she is almost out but she makes this amazing run back, much like I did cause I was almost out too, and it ends up bein me, her and this other guy mando. She busts him, so its just us left. Damnit, now I have to make a decision if I wanna keep my word or just beat her. I took option A, cause I figure its always good to be a man of your word, or something like that. So yeah, I get 10-2, take it to the turn, i have no pair, theres 3 overcards on the board. I tell her I'm going all in, and you should call, signaling she should be able to beat me. So she does, flips her cards, she's got 10-8. 8 comes on the river, she wins. Like I told her I'd let her. But then the rest of the night she's talkin all this nonsense about how she beat me and I didn't let her win. For those that know me and about my competitiveness, this is the biggest sin i could do, intentionally lose at something. But I did, cause I told her I would, but if I'm gonna let you do that, you'd best just take the money and run, cause if you talk smack its just gonna fuel the fire for the next time i play you. so yeah, I'm waiting for a rematch.

Finished my papers today, finally. Only took a little over 8 hours apiece. But thats the last real work I have to do this quarter. Now I just got finals next Monday, and hoorah, month off.

Panthers-Rams tomorrow in Carolina, 10 am. We should win, move to 6-4, and if Atlanta loses to Baltimore like I'm expecting and then New Orleans loses to Cincinatti, like I hope they will, (even though with the way Cincinatti has been so up and down this year I'm not sure. But yeah if that happens and we win, we'll move into a first place tie with the Saints, but technically we won head to head so we would be ahead in the tiebreaker. So everyone wear your panther blue, and boo those falcons and saints!

I guess thats it. Leave some comments or something, from what I hear recently theres more than the 2 people that I thought read this blog out there, so hit me up and let me know, via comment!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ok so we had another game last night, lost again. This one however, we should have won. We were winning 8-2, other team rallied to go up 9-8, we come up in our half of the last inning, i score the tying run, we have the winning run on 3rd, and this chick strikes out. Now normally I could accept this, except for a couple of things:

1. This girl was new to the team, her first game. She claims she has played softball for 5 years. I say sweet, some experience.

2. As the game progresses, I begin to realize she is full of shit.

3. She is on first base, the batter hits a popup. She takes off to second. The whole bench is yelling at her to go back to first. She does not. She gets all happy when she makes it to second. Second baseman catches the ball, throws to first, double play. She is befuddled. I would think someone who has played for 5 years would know you have to tag up on a fly ball.

4. She claims she can play 3rd base. So we put her at 3rd. The inning that they scored all the runs to come back, 4 balls were hit at her. 2 hard, 2 weak. The hard ones, however, were right at her; one she jumps out of the way, the second goes right through her legs. The 2 weak ones; one goes through her legs, the other hits her in the leg and bounces away. Then she stops and doesn't chase the ball, allowing the runner to go to second.

5. Not only did she strike out that first time, but since we had tied it we play one extra inning. The other team scores 4 runs in their half of the inning, thanks to some bad calls, some cheating by the other team, and some sloppy defense. We come out in the bottom half, put up 2 runs right away, stall a little bit, we're left with runners on 2nd and 3rd with 2 outs. Guess who comes to the plate? All she has to do is put the ball in play, they were playing horrible defense, we coulda kept the rally alive. But no, ball falls a foot in front of the plate both times, she swings and misses both times, strike 3, game over, Team Ramrod loses. Again.

6. After the game, shes complaining that her suede shoes got dirty.

7. I wanted to punch this girl in the face.

Ok yeah thats it, just an extension of my post on being ultra competive. When you lie about your ability to me though, that really sucks. We woulda been better off with the 2 girls we usually play with and leaving her at home. Oh well. We'll try again tomorrow. I still gotta write those papers. Damnit.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Cursed school. So i'm sitting at home, knowing I've got 2 papers due on Monday. Usually I'll do one on Tuesday and one on Thursday, my off days from school. But I just can't seem to bring myself so start it today. I guess I have to be in the mood to bs 8 pages about cartoon violence. Not that I'm ever in the mood for such a task. Perhaps its just that it needs to be closer to crunch time so that I'm more inspired. I think that is most likely the case. So it looks like Thursday and the weekend will be my paper days this time around. Then only 1 class left after this week, finals, then a month off which will be great. The quarter system is awesome cause it goes by hella quick, but they also cram a lot of stuff into those 10 weeks, so I feel I deserve a good break.

Panthers won last night on MNF, 24-10. A pretty shitty first half, but an awesome second half. Steve Smith is 4th in receptions and recieving yards after spotting everyone else 2 games. The man is unstoppable. My fantasy teams did pretty good also, now that Chad Johnson finally had a big game. I swear, one of my teams has Johnson, Smith and Santana Moss as the recievers, the top 3 at their position in fantasy points last year. That team is 5-5 now. Its been generally disappointing, but whatever. my team is winnin again and thats what matters.

Heroes was good again, they keep confusing me though with Claires dad, and that chick that lived by Muhinder. Are they good? Are they bad? Next week should be good, they're supposed to save the cheerleader. I wanna see the pic that Isaac painted, see if it holds anymore answers. And what happened to Hiro? Oh so many questions. Next week I guess.

Ok, so since I'm not writin my paper, I guess its over to Marvel Ultimate Alliance again. Good times.

Monday, November 13, 2006

I have a problem. I can't stop it. I can only hope to contain it. I have a few addictions. One is Target. The 2nd is Target t-shirts. Yesterday I went to said dept store and was overjoyed to find a large selection of their shirts on sale. As I skipped through the aisles throwing shirt after shirt into my cart, I said to myself, self, this is not what a professional gentleman of leisure should be spending his money on. But that didn't stop me. I had walked in for $10 worth of soda. I walked out with $60 worth of t-shirts and a couple packs of soda. Granted I got a lot of shirts for my money. Most of em were only $3, while some were $6. This is how I tell myself that it was ok. But whatever, I had wanted some of these shirts for awhile and this was the oppurtunity I had been waiting for, so I struck. Hoorah.

Good night of shows today. For starters we've got Monday Night Football, with my beloved Panthers takin on the Tampa Bay Bucs at home. Should be a good game, both Atlanta and New Orleans lost yesterday so if we win we'll only be 1 game back in our division. That starts at 5:30, so I figure that should end just in time for tonights episode of HEROES! It's supposed to get excited these next 2 weeks, the event is here. At least thats what they're toting. I don't think they're gonna be disappoint. 2 shows that are on Monday nights that I watch also are 2 1/2 Men and How I Met Your Mother. I never actually watch these on Monday night, tivo lets me watch them at my leisure but they're really funny shows. Charlie Sheen is much better suited for TV than for movies. Thats probably cause the only good movies hes made were the Major League movies.

Ok so yeah thats it. Those papers are looming in the distance for me to write this week. I'll get around to em tomorrow.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Oh gosh what a night. It started out kinda crappy. We played our second game today, got wooped up like 18-7 or something around there. I have this problem where I'm like ultra competitive. Its not that I can't lose either. I don't mind losing, as long as I know that we played our best and they beat us at our best. When we've got people that don't run out a ground ball, don't hustle to make a catch, concede outs, stuff like that, then I get really pissed off. Yeah we probably still woulda lost even if we did these things cause the team was pretty good, but the score woulda been much closer and I would have felt better about our effort. If you know anything about baseball, the 2 guys in charge out on the field are the shortstop amongst the infielders, and the center fielder among the outfielders. When a ball goes between left and center, we shouldn't have the center fielder standing still pointing at the left fielder to get the ball. Damnit. I know I shouldn't be to upset because we've only had one game and one practice before tonight but still, thats just me I guess. Oh well.

Warning: If you watch Smallville or The Office and you didn't see this weeks episodes yet, you might not wanna read what is written in the next 2 paragraphs. or you can and not care. either way.

What a great night of tv. All my shows were on while I was at the game, so I watched em when I got home (god bless tivo). So I watch Smallville, pretty decent, get to the end, what the hell? Lana is gonna have Lex's baby? That simply can not be. And what the hell is with Martha Kent and Lionel Luther almost kissing? She can't like him! Its god-damned ridonculous. But next weeks looks good, I think Clark is finally gonna start fighting some crime and kickin ass. This is good, it only took 5+ seasons to get him to help people other than his friends and family.

The Office is another one of my favorites. Tonight did not disappoint, Jim is finally coming back to Scranton. Its gonna be interesting how they spin it with Jim, Pam and new chick from other branch. I like how Jim still fucks with Dwight even though he's at the other office. I know I'm ruining these shows if you haven't seen em yet, but I'm pretty sure theres only a handful of people that read this (and I'm being generous) and they either don't watch these shows or should've watched em already. But oh well. It's my blog so screw you if I ruined it. I may just go back and put a disclaimer at the top of this anyway, just to avoid hurting someones feelings. I'll see what I think when I get finished.

I've got two 8 page papers to write this next week, as well as a presentation that makes up almost my whole grade in another class. A smarter man would take this weekend to work on the papers, seeing as how Cody is gonna be campin with Grandma, and I'll have some time to do school work without worrying about him needin my attention. But I'm a born procrastinator, and far be it from me to break that trend. So I've got my weekend booked with plans to keep myself busy and not get a chance to do anything resembling schoolwork. Go me. I'm sure I'll find time to do them on my off school days next week. Then there's always next weekend also. Good times.

I just noticed I've capitalized almost everything properly. Thats very rare for me, especially when I'm supposed to be writing a "journal."

Ok thats it, I think I will throw that disclaimer up there.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Played in our first softball game last night. We did much better than I was expecting us to. We won, 13-8. To bad it was a practice game cause we didn't have enough girls to field a full team. It was a lot of fun though, not to many errors and I think everyone got at least one hit, so good times.

Heroes was awesome again. Its shows like this that make me wanna just skip the whole season and buy it on DVD so I don't have to wait a week inbetween each episode. Next week's looks like it is gonna be really good to, peep it above this post.

Yeah thats it, not to much to report.

Heroes Episode 8

Monday, November 06, 2006

Heroes NBC Episode 7

Watch tonight!

Ok, been awhile since my last post, and I've got a lot of crap to put up here. Some interesting, some probably not so much. Alright, first things first.

The movie I went to see that wasn't the movie I thought I'd see:

So on Friday I went to see a movie after class, and I wanted to see the magic movie with Batman -vs- Wolverine. I'm lookin through the movie times, and all I see is The Illusionist. I knew there was another magic movie called the Prestige, but I couldn't remember which was which. Since there was no Prestige playin anywhere in the desert, I figure it had to be The Illusionist that I was looking for. So we go and sit in the theater, credits start rollin. I see Edward Norton. I see Jessica Biel. I see Paul Giamatti. I turn to my brother and say "I didn't know they were in this movie." Thats when the credits stop and movie starts. No Hugh Jackman. No Christian Bale. No Michael Cain. At first I thought maybe its a trick and they're not putting the other names first for whatever reason. Yeah, that was not the case. So I end up sittin through a 2 hour magic murder/love/mystery story when I just wanted to see Batman and Wolvie duke it out magic style, where I end up seein Smoochy (as in Death to Smoochy, another great movie that no one has really seen with Norton and Robin Williams) and the crippled basketball star from 7th Heaven. The Illusionist was however, a pretty good movie. Luckily it was playin at the $1 theater, or else I may not have sat through it cause I didn't know if I would like it. But yeah it was pretty good. Jessica Biel (hot!) plays this dutchess that is set to marry the prince, but she doesn't really love him, she loves this magician that she was friends with as children, but she had been forbidden to see him because he was a commoner. So the magician takes off, comes back to Vienna 15 years later with all these bad ass magic tricks. They meet again, the sparks flash again and they try to find a way to escape from the prince. I won't give anymore away to the plot of the story cause I think you guys should see it if you haven't already cause its a really good movie. I give it 4 1/2 strudels. I'm a big Edward Norton fan, and he didn't disappoint. Jessican Biel did a good job too, I could have sworn that after she made Stealth and Summer Catch she had just given in and admitted her career was over. Way to bounce back.

Spent another weekend with the kids from Fat Rabbit Farm at the Thai Temple in North Hollywood. It was cool, we did better than we had done the previous week at the PMX. Lots of asian people, again. One really really annoying person yelling "Five dolla, five dolla..." but with that thick asian accent. That got old really fast, I wanted to hit her.

Went to a party on Saturday night at my friends house, had a pretty good time. I shotgunned my first beer that night. Quite the experience, didn't know I could drink that fast. Got to play in a bouncy house, did some dancing, all around good time.

Went to the batting cage yesterday, took some hacks to get ready for our game tomorrow, assuming we can get enough chicks to play a game. I did good, many a solid hit came off my bat. Note for future: don't let 5 year olds in the cage, even when its slow pitch. Swing coordination is key, and apparently Cody didn't have that yet. I let him get in for a few pitches, but he doesn't stay in his stance when he swings, so one of the balls came in and whacked him pretty good on the hand. I guess I learned my lesson.

Ok I guess thats it for today, hopefully I'll post more often so I don't have to put so much crap into one blog. Heroes tonight, make sure to watch. Their secret is out!