Alrighty, been a couple days.....finals are over. Thats good, now I can focus more on sitting around doing nothing. I had my last one Wednesday. They give us 2 1/2 hours, but after a good night of drinkin the night before, I wasn't really feelin the whole sit around and write thing. I figured since the final was only worth 10% of the grade, I only needed to do half to get a solid A in the class. So thats what I did. Gotta love education. So now all my real classes are done. I've got a week left of volleyball, then a good month off.
For those that may not know this about me, I tend to go a little DVD crazy. So Tuesdays are big days for me. This one was no different; Clerks 2, Superman Returns, and Dane Cook: Vicious Circle. I also wanted to get Evening With Kevin Smith 2:Evening Harder, but no body has it out here in the desert. That was disappointing. One funny note, while I was scouring the DVD section, I noticed that now since Superman Returns came out, they also re-released all the original Superman movies, even 3 and 4 which no one really liked at all. But they managed to fill up at least 2 discs worth of extra stuff for them all, with 1 and 2 runnin at 4 discs. Its very interesting, considering when these movies came out in the late 70's/early 80's they didn't do any of these extra craps they throw on DVDs these days. I'm curious to see what they came up with to put on there, but not curious enough to spend $16 a pop to get movies I've already got. I figure if anything I'll throw em on the ol Xmas list and see what happens.
Ok so I thought I had more to write about but now I can't friggin remember what it was gonna be.... i need to start keeping a pre blog journal of shit to write cause i know it was good but now i can't remember. damnit. oh well, i guess thats it for now. perhaps something will jog my memory and i can come and add later. alrighty....toodles.....for now.